
A Deep Commitment to Ending Hunger

by Kelli on July 06, 2009

We believe everyone needs beautiful, nourishing food for the body and the soul. This belief extends beyond serving our customers in our restaurants and into the greater community.

For us it also means supporting local non-profits focused on feeding Lane County’s hungry.

Many in our community are in crisis. Many other organizations are seeing an increase in demand for their services as Lane County’s unemployment rates rises above 12 percent. To meet the needs in our community takes each of us doing our part.

We’ve donated time, money and supplies to FOOD for Lane County (FFLC) for more than a decade. 2009 was the sixth year that we’ve supported FOOD for Lane County’s Empty Bowls fundraiser by providing coupons for a free bowl of soup at our local restaurants.

We look for significant and meaningful ways to support the work of this important organization. For example, Mary Ann serves on the Harvest Dinner planning committee, which we attend each year. We also make contributions to FOOD for Lane County’s annual fundraising campaign, provide food for special events and donate food from our warehouse for food boxes. In short, when we see a need that Cafe Yumm! can help fill, we find a way to do it.

We’re committed to FOOD for Lane County’s success and helping achieve its mission to eliminate hunger. We hope you’ll join us.

For more info about FOOD for Lane County, visit their website.